Rotary Club of Modbury

Rotary Club of Modbury

Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world,
indeed it’s the only thing
that ever has
(Margaret Mead)

I am, You are….We are ‘Modbury Rotarians’


Since 1982 our club members have supported many projects –  in our Community, our State, our Country and around the World.

We are Neighbors, Community Leaders and Global Citizens,
united for common good.     

With you, we can accomplish even more!

Maybe you’ve seen a need in the Community and wondered how you could help?

Maybe you want to use your Professional skills to help others AND learn new skills?

Maybe you’re seeking Connections with other service minded Professionals in the Community?

Whatever your reasons, joining The Rotary Club of Modbury
– we will help you achieve these goals – and so much more!

Call: 0411 495 666 for Free information pack



Thank you for providing information on Rotary .

Jodie Darley