Club History

An overview of the occasion of our Charter Meeting.

Charter Meeting June 1982

otto 1982 Keith-1982-Fix
Charter Member / PP Otto Baumgartner Charter Member / PP Keith Rendell

Extract From Cub History

At a board meeting of the Rotary Club of Tea Tree Gully convened on 20th January 1982,  it was resolved that a new Rotary Club be formed in District 9500 and that efforts be made to complete the formation of the new Club during the term of Bob Perryman’s District Governorship.

John Simpson, who was subsequently to become the District Governor’s representative, was elected as chairman of the extension committee and a comprehensive survey of local businesses was undertaken by members of the committee.
A nucleus of enthusiastic potential members was identified and an ‘Interest Meeting’ was held at the Modbury Hotel on 13th April, 1982. At this meeting it was formally agreed that the Rotary Club of Modbury be formed. More than half of the inaugural members were nominated by Tea Tree Gully Rotarians John Tilley and Arthur Jeffries, John by using his local government contacts and Arthur by resource to former Apex colleagues.

The Charter Dinner was held at the Highbury Hotel on Saturday 5th June 1982 at which function President Otto Baumgartner and 24 members were inducted by District Governor Bob Perryman who also presented the Charter. Because of the short period of time which had elapsed between the decision to form the club and its date of charter there had been some concerns as to whether the Charter would arrive in time. A contingency plan had been set up for the sponsor club charter to be available for substitute presentation if necessary.

Fortunately the Charter was received at the eleventh hour and the contingency plan was not required.

Charter Members at 5th June 1982 (* denotes surviving charter member) :

Otto Baumgartner*, Jeffrey Brook, Joe Ciampa, John Edwards, Ernie Elf, Val Gallagher, Graham Hill, Albert Houtermans, John Jones, Ray Leech, David Leigh, Bob McPherson, Jim Porter, Keith Rendell*, Colin Ross, Bill Saunders, Ray Schubert, Mike Smalley, Michael Terlet, Gerry Thomas, Garth Tompkins, Brendon Walton, Eric Weigel, Graham Williams and Malcolm Wright.

The above overview was supplied by P.P. Keith Rendell, Modbury Rotary Club Historian / 2009-10 District 9500 Secretary.

Number of Members, Past and Present:

As at 25 October 2016 the club has had 132 members of which 13 remain at this date.

Documented Club History:

A History of the Rotary Club of Modbury was prepared by the Club Historian and published to commemorate the 1000th meeting of the club on Monday 2 February 2004.  It was last revised and reprinted as a 116-page document at Update #7 on 26 September 2016.  It is crammed full of facts, figures, recollections and photos and records the challenges and successes of the club together with contributions from many of our past and present members.

Since then the history has been progressively updated by the Historian but has not reprinted or issued.  A provisional copy of the document at its current status in electronic format can be provided to members upon request.

Single Selected Highlight Events for each Rotary Year since Charter Date:

July 82-June 83 Donation of video and monitor equipment to AVAGO Unemployed Youth Job Training Scheme.
July 83-June 84 Playground maintenance at Modbury Special School.
July 84-June 85  Provision of fitness equipment to Royal Society for the Blind gymnasium at Gilles Plains.
July 85-June 86  Inaugural Canoe Weekend Away on the River Murray for members and their children.
July 86-June 87  Hosted our first Rotary Foundation Scholar, Steve Weikal from Michigan USA.
July 87-June 88  Conducted Pride of Workmanship Award Evening for local nominees.
July 88-June 89  Purchase of audio equipment for local volunteer group who entertain Senior Citizens.
July 89-June 90  Started Landscaping project for Modbury Hospital grounds.
July 90-June 91 Organised the Great North East Fun Run as a major sporting event and fundraiser.
July 91-June 92 Modbury Hospital Rotary Gardens officially opened by Deputy Premier.
July 92-June 93 Placement of trail signs in Anstey Hill Recreation Park.
July 93-June 94 Distribution of food items to needy families within local area.
July 94-June 95 Funds provided to Entebbe, Uganda for a brick making machine.
July 95-June 96 Installation of smoke alarms in the homes of elderly residents within local area.
July 96-June 97 Planted trees and shrubs in nature strips within the developing suburb of Golden Grove.
July 97-June 98 Provision of bicycle safety helmets to Tea Tree Gully City Council for Road Safety education.
July 98-June 99 Donation of essential furniture to Children’s Ward of Modbury Hospital.
July 99-June 00 Launch of Emergency Medical Information Booklet – a joint local Rotary Club initiative.
July 00-June 01 Significant financial donations to Life Education Australia for drug education and RDNS.
July 01-June 02 To mark its 20th birthday the club produced a book “Working with Youth.”
July 02-June 03 Presentation of books for presentation to new babies born at Modbury Hospital.
July 03-June 04 Hosted a Mental Health Forum for local community participation.
July 04-June 05 Significant support to the Life Education Australia “Let’s Talk” anti-drugs campaign.
July 05-June 06 Production of a “Hold-On’ resource information card for people living with mental illness.
July 06-June 07 Donation of substantial book vouchers for two local Community Child Care Centres.
July 07-June 08 Continuation of support of Modbury High School Student of the Year Award – launched 1986.
July 08-June 09 Coordination of “Golden Haze” anti-drugs project in conjunction with local Rotary clubs.
July 09-June 10 Presentation of trumpet to local Primary School for purposes of learning.
July 10-June 11 Liaised with PoliceLink for donation of toys to young patients at Womens & Childrens Hospital.
July 11-June 12  Distribution of Christmas Hampers to local needy families
July 12-June 13  Pride of Workmanship Awards to two local educators.
July 13-June 14  Provision of Water Wells and Water Pots to Kakinada, India.
July 14-June 15  Support of student, Kali Graham, through Australian Rotary Health Indigenous  Scholarship.
July 15-June 16  Roses planted as part of a garden beautification project at Modbury Hospital.


Thank you for providing information on Rotary .

Jodie Darley