International Toasts

toasting-rc-dumfries-devorgilla-300315Dumfries Devorgilla toast to modbury 300315This initiative was spontaneously suggested by one of our members and enthusiastically adopted by the Rotary Club of Modbury immediately following the human tragedy of Flight MH17 on 18 July 2014.  The intent was to support and encourage Rotary Clubs and their members across the world as they continue, by their individual and joint endeavours, to bring to fruition a world of peace.

Each month a club member selects another Rotary Club and prepares and presents a brief toast to that club and its members.  Upon receipt of acknowledgement from the toasted club, our club makes a contribution of $Aus100.00 to The Rotary Foundation in the name of the member researching and proposing the toast.

At the end of the 12 month trial period we had toasted twelve clubs from the 34,800 other clubs within Rotary International with nine of those clubs having acknowledged receipt of our toast.  This positive response together with the fact that the club received the Rotary Foundation Award at the March 2015 District Conference for its implementation encouraged us to continue with the programme into Rotary Year 2015-16.

Status at 13 December 2015:

Toasts Proposed:  18.       Toasts Acknowledged:  12.   % Success:  66.7.

 MonthToasted ClubDistrictCountryAcknowledged
Aug-14Kiev Multinational2230Ukraine
Nov-14Christchurch9970New Zealand
Dec-14Johannesburg Main Reef9400South AfricaYes
Mar-15Dumfries Devorgilla1020ScotlandYes
Apr-15Wellington South9940New ZealandYes
May-15Lae Huon Gulf9600Papua New Guinea
Jun-15Gisborne9930New ZealandYes
Jul-15Kona Sunrise, Hawaii5000USA
Aug-15New Westminster5040CanadaYes
Aug-15New Westminster - Royal City5040Canada
Oct-15Oslo International2310NorwayYes
Nov-15Rangiora9970New ZealandYes


Thank you for providing information on Rotary .

Jodie Darley